
Rev. Fr. Shijo Konuparamban

"Only by living a life guided by values can one reach their greatest potential. This is where the allure of a good education manifests itself. We guarantee that each student will be converted into a dynamic individual who will contribute significantly to society. St. Xaviers College in Vaikom believes in this pedagogical concept."




Dr. Gimson D Parambil

"ST. XAVIERS VAIKOM is a prestigious higher education institution with significant social and environmental impact. This college serves the needs of a big segment of our society that has been left behind in terms of development and financial advancement. The college's ecologically crucial location creates an unusual setting in which students are exposed to academics while surrounded by nature's splendour. Here, we provide unwavering support for the cause of education by using the best human and infrastructural resources available.."



Vice Principal

Ravisankar P C